IdeaPro "Vertical supply and exhaust ventilation unit with heat recovery AHE-35L"

Suggested retail price

    • Energy saving and air exchange. Due to the recuperation of thermal energy, energy costs for climate equipment on the scale of the building, premises are reduced. This ensures full supply and exhaust ventilation.
    • Reducing the power consumption of air conditioners. Efficient energy savings are achieved as the air conditioning system consumes less electricity, fewer cycles are performed, and energy bills are reduced.
    • Humidity preservation function. Due to the cellulose material in the channels of the heat exchanger - the level of humidity practically does not change between the room and the external environment, an enthalpy process occurs.
    • Convenient air exchange. Since the exchange of air between the room and the external environment occurs simultaneously in both directions, the temperature and humidity are maintained in the room, provided by the preliminary operation of the air conditioners or the heating system.
    • Excellent soundproofing. Noise can occur between the inlet and outlet air flows, so the PVUR heat exchanger also provides decent sound insulation; for rooms with special noise requirements, it is necessary to provide silencers or other means in the design of air ducts, wall through passage nodes.

    PVUR complies with the Technical Regulations of Ukraine for compliance with TVSHR (RoHS), LWD, EMC standards.

    Характеристика Значення, од. виміру
    Нормативні параметри напруги в електромережі 220~240В / 50Гц / 1Ф
    Тип і номінал запобіжника Авт.вимикач. Номінал 16 А
    Номінальна потужність, споживана електрична 140 Вт
    Номінальний струм 0,63 А
    Клас захищеності від пилу та вологи IP 40
    Розхід повітря по припливу на вис. швидкості 360 м3/год
    Розхід повітря по витяжці на вис. швидкості 280 м3/год
    Розміри, В х Ш х Г 501x812x8 64 мм
    ККД теплообміну в рекуператорі ≥97%
    Максимальний статичний зовнішній тиск 100 Па
    Вага нето 62,5 кг